Hello folks!
We have the initial dev near complete and have new content pages with search and tag filtering as well as categories for each of the major bits.
We current have 2 content areas (we will be adding more):
'Rabid Elephant Operations Content' and 'Instruments Content'
In the Operations area, you will find General News and Manufacturing Updates. We will be placing all news and updates here above all other platforms we may have used in the past like forums, patreon, facebook, instagram, etc.
In the Instruments content area, you will find all sorts of media (audio, videos, etc.) articles, manuals, guides, etc. based around 'instruments' - mostly based around electronic instruments or gear. We have non-RE stuff here too so check it out. There is also a new area here for Instrument Design where we will have articles centred around our process and some of the behind-the-scenes.
And in the future we will be refining the ease of use of these main content areas, adding advanced commenting on each article (that should come in < 1 week or so so make sure to check back if you want to comment and have a discussion), and adding more main content pages.
We have a very exciting Journeys content area coming very soon which is really the novelty of what we do! So exploring that could be fun or interesting for some!
We have a much larger development project which is currently just on pause till we get some important things sorted (mainly in regards to our manufacturing). This will enhance the content areas to include a powerful notification and user area for keeping track of any content or dialogues you may be part of. Think something similar to facebook mixed with a forum mixed with a blog.
And finally, we will be transitioning away from Patreon and doing subscriptions for folks who want to support us more as a patron. Patrons will have automatic access to even more content - esp. those articles/posts that have quite a bit more depth and detail.
We will prioritising posting on our content pages above all. Our own website here will always have the latest and most detailed information. So check back often if you're curious about the state of something.