Retailer Updates

Retailer updates: I've been asked by retailers to send out a quick bit of info regarding whether you can get RE stuff via retailers:
RE is still going to be doing retail through SchneidersLaden and Signal Sounds (but no others for the time being). Depending on your location, it may be preferable for you to order from them. I've told them my only requirements are that they cannot oversell beyond the quantities they have requested. I believe they may also do pre-orders and that is OK by me.
The 3 places you can get RE stuffs are:
From RE, directly (shipping from the USA - we ship everywhere)
Signal Sounds (UK - they also ship everywhere)
SchneidersLaden (EU - they also ship everywhere).
The reason I still have retail is that 1) I like these cats and the way they roll, 2) they have brick and mortar shops you can go try RE stuffs out in person, 3) they do good things for the community as a whole.
I would say to buy from wherever is most comfortable for you.

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