Happy New Year folks! A quick update where we are with the current batch of Natural Gates:
First articles are coming to me in a few weeks! After I check them and coordinate any recommendations, we'll run the full batch. For the full run, I'll be flying in and finishing the assembly, test, cal, final inspections, and packing/shipping (we have taken these components back in house to ensure near 100% QC).
We had to switch panel manufacturers again (they did not want to continue the work due to the high level of involvement required for the project to get them to come out right) but should have some samples from a new manufacturer in a week or two. We are also toying with the idea of a more reliable long-term solution not using PCBs, which is going to be required for our drum machine and other standalone boxes. But unless we hit a wall, we'll continue with the PCB panels for the euro widgets.
I'll fire off another post after I've received and tested the first articles.
Thanks again!